ZILINA CRAFT BREWERY FRAMBOR with has business representation of following breweries in Slovakia: CHODOVAR, FERDINAND, HEROLD, BESKYDSKÝ PIVOVÁREK (Beskyd brewery), REICHENBERGER and POUTNíK.
About Company:
Our company with our bussines representatives provides comprehensive solutions as: preparation of new operations, installation and maintenance of tap equipment, illuminated outdoor advertising (signs with the name of bar or restaurant), chemical cleaning, providing technical equipment for private parties, local festivals or other promotions and replenishing consumables. Our sales representatives take care of our clients on daily basis with great pride and commitment.
Our vision:
The most important criteria for the production and sale of brewery products has been, is and will always be, the production technology and the quality of the resulting product, achieved in a traditional way of mashing, brewing hops, fermentation and maturation, without acceleration, dilution and preservation methods and without cheaper substitutes for basic ingredients, so without the methods used by corporations that have degraded this noble beverage to the level of beer without face or character. Frambor is has the highest quality and variety, whether in the assortment of beer or soft drinks, and the corresponding service while keeping the price affordable, these are the main attributes that significantly help to differentiate our clients bussineses from the standard competition and thus get more regular customers.
Last but not least, together with our partners, we are helping to save the history, which, thanks to the power of money, disappears irrevocably in front of our eyes, and with our own unpasteurized bitter beer FRAMBOR, we also try to lay some foundation for a new, meaningful history.